Protection From Most Common Pigeon Diseases Learn Now

Common Pigeon diseases are usually caused by virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, or environmental factors. As pigeon owners, it’s important to know the common diseases and their treatment. So that we can give our bird proper treatment in timely manner.

The most common pigeon diseases are characterized by a variety of symptoms – from weak and uncoordinated flight, to respiratory illness and even death. Unfortunately, pigeons can transmit these diseases from one bird to another or from humans to birds.

Pigeon Canker

Trichomoniasis, also known as Canker or Canker Disease. It is an infection of the digestive tract caused by the protozoa Trichomonas gallinae. Symptoms include diarrhoea, regurgitation, and decrease in egg production.

Canker in pigeons can be seen as yellowish white pustule or crust in the throat. This eventually grows large and close off the windpipe opening causing suffocation. Similarly common symptoms of this disease are loss of appetite, swallowing motions, more water intake and ruffled plumage.

Canker in Pigeons

Treatment of Pigeon Canker includes a combination of drugs to kill the parasites, as well as palliative measures such as supplemental feedings.

Moreover the most common method to treat canker in pigeons is with the dosage of Enheptin or Emtryl to the affected birds. Dosage of Ronidazole also works perfect for the treatment of canker in pigeons. Tricho Plus powder by Oropharma has some magical results in the treatment of this disease.

Watery Eyes in Pigeons – Pigeon Colds

There are a variety of “colds” in pigeons producing watery eyes or puffiness around the eyes. Fanciers may observe rasping gurgling noises from the throat. In colds birds usually appear normal and continue to eat and drink. Pigeon appears warmer than normal when held in hand. It is a sign of respiratory and possible Ornithosis. This usually happens if your loft is dusty, moist or overcrowded.

Watery Eyes In Pigeons

Moreover Antibiotics in the feed or water or injected directly are the best recommendation for this treatment. There are many eyes drops you can use to treat the bird, along with the treatment of Doxycycline antibiotic. Always treat the entire loft, 3 days for non-infected birds and 5 days for the infected birds.

Pigeon Pox – Common Pigeon Diseases

Pigeon Pox, most commonly seen illnesses in racing pigeons. This virus causes skin lesions, infections of the respiratory system, and often weakens the bird. It causes diseases are hard, crusty light-colored sores that appear around the mouth or the eyes. In some cases, they develop near to the beak, or eyes effecting the bird’s vision and causing difficulty for bird to drink or eat.

In addition vaccination for this disease is an effective means of preventing it. The vaccination can cause few deaths in the infected one’s but prevent the disease in healthy birds of the loft.

Equally Important drinkers are the most common factor of this disease transmission. Since every bird drinks several times each day, a dirty water fountain that has become infested with disease organisms can rapidly affect your entire flock. Remember to clean all drinkers every day. Lime wash your loft will help you clean from bacteria.

What to do in Pigeon Pox Infection?

Always remove and isolate any sick bird in the loft. Provide special care for your sick birds. Isolate new birds brought in the loft. Bury the dead infected birds.

Pigeon Pox – Things Not To Do

Don’t use medication without getting an accurate diagnosis. Do not overdose your bird. Do not purchase breeding stock from a flock where sick birds are present. Avoid buying thin or weak birds.

At the end, pigeon health and well-being has to be taken seriously if we want to keep our birds healthy. By being knowledgeable and prepared for whatever disease may come, we can give our pigeons the best chance of staying healthy.

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