How To Treat Canker in Pigeons

How To Treat Canker in Pigeons: This disease is one of the worst, if not the very worst, and most common amongst all classes of pigeons. Canker is deadly killer in squabs at about two weeks of age. Canker can be fed into young birds from the old birds. It can also happen due to poor ventilation problem in the loft.

Effects of Canker in Pigeons

The form that the disease takes when it attacks young in the nest is first to stop the growth of the youngsters particularly their feather growth. The lump in the throat becomes larger and larger, until it is impossible for the old birds to give any food to the youngsters.

When the disease attacks young pigeons of 14 days old or under, there is no hope of cure. It shows up yellowish white pustule in the throat of young bird which eventually becomes larger resulting to closes off the wind pipe opening and thereby produce suffocation. When it attacks pigeons of from 3 1/2 to 4 weeks old and is taken in time, these young ones can be cured, and in after life seem to suffer no serious effects.

Canker in Pigeons

Canker In Pigeons

The general cause of canker is foul water, fungoid food, or vitiated. The birds most subject to canker are those fed on maize particularly the large, cheap classes of this grain. I know of nothing worse than maize to feed canker into pigeons. Therefore fanciers should avoid the use of this grain. The best diet in the canker affected loft is good barley, wheat and peas, in equal parts.

How to Treat Canker in Pigeons?

The following prescription I have found to be invaluable for this purpose: 2 oz. sulphate of soda, 1 oz. alum, 2 oz. ordinary white table salt, dissolved in a quart of boiling water. Give Half a pin to two quarts of drinking water once or twice a week. Fed in the manner described, with regular exercise, will speedily affect a cure.

In mild cases, where the growth is in the mouth or throat. It should be removed with a small stick or piece of wood, and the part painted with equal parts of perchloride of iron and glycerin, painting well down the throat and over the affected part.

Trichomoniasis Sores

Best treatment for canker outside of the body, burn with caustic pencil. Great care is necessary if the growth is near to and eye. Trichoplus by Oropharma company is a magical solution of Canker for Pigeons. Highly recommended. Moreover a prescribed dosage of Enheptin or Emtryl to the affected birds gives great results. Give it in feed, water or individually in measured capsules.

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