How To Treat Canker in Pigeons: This disease is one of the worst, if not the very worst, and most common amongst all classes of pigeons. Canker is deadly killer in …
Pigeons Loft Design: There are number of options available when you’ve decided you want a loft for pigeons. You can buy relatively inexpensive loft kits, convert an existing shed or build …
2021 کبوتر پروری مقابلے کبوتر پروری کے بڑے مقابلے ۲۰۲۱ . اس سال زبردست مقابلے دیکھنے کو ملیں گے. اس پوسٹ میں کچھ مقابلوں کی تفصیلات موجود ہیں. اچھا شوق …
Pigeons Paramyxovirus Virus – The paramyxovirus is related to the Newcastle disease pathogen, but not identical. The virus is highly pathogenic for pigeons, but not for other domestic bird species. …